I'm intentionally not uploading all of my videos thus far straight away as I would like to acclimatize people here to the idea that my works are not all one particular drawing style nor follow the same structure of pace or even have the same mood.
With time, I hope this approach allows for a more steady hold on that the idea that you don't need to be Egoraptor or similarly popular creators to establish a presence. I am by no means trying to fool myself into thinking I'll be a featured personality or will get droves of people demanding my next release. That is not my intent and will never be as it is beyond the realm of reality, given what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
What I AM hoping for is simply have a general, humble pace from which someone can watch, get an inkling of a curiousity, and if it means helping the business which employs me, then I'm happy to have done my job.
Thank you for your time and have a damn good day!